

人气:319 ℃/2024-08-04 18:54:25

A modern animal city, where every animal has its own habitat, such as Sahara Square in desert climate, perennially cold glacial towns and so on.

It's like a big melting pot, where animals live peacefully together - whether elephants or mice, if you work hard, you can make a difference.

Judy Rabbit dreamed of becoming a policeman in an animal city from an early age, although everyone around him felt that it was impossible for a rabbit to become a policeman.

But through her own efforts, she joined all the big animal city police station and became the first rabbit police officer.

To prove herself, she was determined to solve a mysterious case. On the way to the truth, Judy forced Nick.

the fox who lives in the animal city by hoodwinking and kidnapping, to helpherself.However.

it was found that behind the case there was a huge plot to subvert the Animal City. They had to work together to try to uncover the truth behind the great plot.

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