

人气:168 ℃/2023-08-22 08:13:54

这里 is 一个 3-5 分钟的英语演讲稿范例:

My Hero

Good morning everyone! The topic of my speech today is “My Hero”. I would like to share with you about a person who has been a great inspiration and role model in my life.

My hero is my high school English teacher, Mrs. Smith. She was the one who ignited my passion for English and inspired me to become an English teacher myself.

Mrs. Smith was an amazing teacher. She was kind, patient and always willing to help any student who needed it. Her English classes were never boring. She used interesting activities and games to help us learn. She also organized field trips to help us experience the language outside of the classroom.

More importantly, Mrs. Smith was a role model of positive attitude and continuous self-improvement. Even after many years of teaching, she continued to sign up for courses to improve her teaching skills and learn the latest knowledge in her field. Her passion and dedication to teaching made a deep impression on me.

Mrs. Smith was also the one who encouraged me to pursue my dream of becoming an English teacher. She saw my potential and passion for the language. She gave me opportunities to tutor other students, and provided guidance to help me develop good teaching skills. Her constant support and encouragement boosted my confidence to continue down this path.

Teachers have an incredible influence on students. Mrs. Smith was the teacher who changed my life with her inspiration and guidance. She ignited my passion for learning and growth. She molded me into the person I am today. For these reasons, Mrs. Smith will always remain a hero in my life.

Thank you! My hero, Mrs. Smith, is well deserving of today's praise and recognition.

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