

人气:144 ℃/2024-08-03 12:46:20





The letter is invincible. Chen Baoguo tempts several concubines in episode 6.

"The Believer Invincibles" is a war drama directed by Zhang Guoqing and starring Chen Baoguo, Yu Mingjia and Yang Xue. It is the sixth and final installment in the series of "Heroes Are Invincible". The latter five are "the brave invincible", "the wise invincible", "the upright invincible", "the righteous invincible" and "the benevolent invincible".

Based on the story of Fan Tianxi, commander of the Ninth Brigade of the Dian Army, the drama tells the story of the heroic fighting of the Dian Army in the eight years of Anti-Japanese War.

The show premiered on August 31, 2016.

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