

人气:446 ℃/2024-03-21 07:16:23


pián yi

(价钱低) cheap; inexpensive:

东西买得便宜 buy a thing cheap

价格便宜的商店 a cheap store

并不便宜。 It is by no means cheap.

便宜没好货。 Cheapest is the dearest.

这种汽车便宜。 This kind of car is inexpensive.

(不应得的利益 small advantages; petty gain:

贪小便宜 out for small advantages; on the fiddle:

贪小便宜的假爱情 cupboard love

(对...从轻处理) let sb. off lightly:

这次便宜了他。 This time we have let him off lightly.

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