
be attacked with.是什么意思

人气:210 ℃/2024-03-22 05:09:49

be attacked with. 被攻击。语法点是 attacked作为动词使用,意为“进攻”

attack D.J.[əˈtæk] K.K.[əˈtæk] vt.& vi.攻击,进攻; 抨击 They knew when to attack and when to retreat.他们知道什么时候进攻和什么时候撤退.The enemy attacked us at night.敌人在夜间袭击了我们.n.攻击,袭击 The enemy attack took us by surprise.敌人的进攻使我们感到意外.抨击,辱骂 (疾病)侵袭,发作 She had her first heart attack the other day.不久前,她第一次心脏病发作.

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