

人气:319 ℃/2024-08-08 16:58:15

prof 英 [prɒf] 美 [prɑ:f] n.教授 教授(Professors);施特劳斯教授;教授;副教授 双语例句 1. Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof., woman pref. 舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。

2. An interesting experiment is being tried by Prof. Zhou. 周教授正在做一项有趣的试验. 3. Some students attended Prof. Jones on a field trip. 一些学生随琼斯教授去野外郊游. 4. Prof. John Willis is our teacher of English. 约翰·威利斯教授是我们的英语老师. 5. Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning. 给我的教授写一封短信,告诉他我为什么没有参加今天上午的考试。

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