

人气:170 ℃/2024-07-06 22:13:15


①large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity 空间延伸范围大

②broad in scope or content 范围和内容宽泛

③of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor 农业上指使用大面积小成本


①able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion 能够或容易扩大的

②of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope 伟大的,英雄一般的

③marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur 自我感觉良好的,自我膨胀的


expansive 可扩大的, 可扩展的; 广阔的; 胸襟开阔的, 开朗的

extensive adj.广阔[大]的, 广博的; 大量的; 范围广泛的; 详尽的【物】广延的;【逻】外延的【农】粗放的, 大面积的

extensive knowledge广博的知识

extensive funds大笔经费

extensive reading泛读

extensive cultivation粗放的耕作

expansive [ik'spænsiv]adj. 广阔的;豪爽的;扩张的

extensive [ik'stensiv]adj. 广泛的;广阔的;大量的

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