

人气:334 ℃/2024-05-23 01:25:29


muse合唱团是一支1994年于英国德文郡创立的摇滚乐乐团,乐团的成员为主唱兼吉他与键盘手马修贝勒米(Matthew Bellamy)、鼓手多明尼克霍华德(Dominic Howard)、贝斯兼键盘与合音克里斯·沃斯坦荷姆(Chris Wolstenholme)。



Life's a race

But I'm gonna win

Yes, I'm gonna win

And I'll light the fuse

And I'll never lose

And I choose to survive

Whatever it takes

You won't pull ahead

I'll keep up the pace

And I'll reveal my strength

To the whole human race

Yes, I am prepared

To stay alive

I won't forgive

Vengeance is mine

And I won't give in

Because I choose to fight

Yeah, we're gonna win


It's a race

But I'm gonna win

Yes, I'm gonna win

And I'll light the fuse

And I'll never lose

And I choose to survive

Whatever it takes

You won't pull ahead

I'll keep up the pace

And I'll reveal my strength

To the whole human race

Yes, I'm gonna win

Yes, I'm gonna win



2.在伦敦奥运进入最后一个月倒计时之际,英国摇滚乐乐队缪斯Muse的新单曲《Survival》被定为2012年伦敦奥运会主题曲。在7月27日至8月12日的比赛期间,这首歌会在运动员入场以及奖牌颁发仪式上播放。官方版MV特地剪辑了过往奥运会中的精彩瞬间,展现“更高 更快 更强”的奥运精神。

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