
That 的复数是什么

人气:382 ℃/2024-07-03 02:46:33

those 英 [ðəʊz]美 [ðoʊz]adj.那些的;那些pron.那些;(that的复数形式)用作代词 (pron.)Successful are those who are willing to take pains.成功的人都是那些肯努力的人。2.The oranges in the box are better than those on the shelf.箱子的橙子比橱上的那些好。用作形容词 (adj.)3.Let's forget about those worries.咱们忘掉那些烦恼的事吧。4.It's time to put away those foolish ideas.是该放弃那些愚蠢的想法了。扩展资料:词汇相关搭配1.one of those things 命中注定的事...2.one of those days 倒霉的一天3.that 那4.Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform. 轻诺寡信。5.in those days 在过去6.those days 那些日子

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