

人气:305 ℃/2023-06-04 17:08:12


1、不想在书写哀伤的心境,可情殇的轮回让我无力挣脱。My treasure, I love you, I am thinking of you in each inexhaustible dark night.

2、到此,诉一曲遗忘,涂一纸情殇,抛开一路惆怅。Forgotten a piece of paper coated War situation, put aside all the way melancholy.

3、一个人的雨夜,我害怕太多的不确定,害怕的太多太多,因为这雨突然来临的思绪,还是因为一直都无法走出的那段情殇?At one's rainy night, I fear a too much one is uncertain, there are far too much ones that feared, because state of mind that rain come suddenly this, or because the feeling Shang that go out of?

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