

人气:394 ℃/2024-05-02 06:50:10




她刚把新近结交的男朋友抛弃了。 She’s just dumped/ditched her latest boyfriend.

他从来不掏腰包,老揩朋友的油。 He never pays for anything. He just scrounges off his friends.

他没多加思考就随顺朋友的建议。 He complied with his friend’s proposal without much thinking.

第一次和朋友约会你可不能失约。 You must not miss your very first appointment with your new friend.

通过朋友们的调解,他俩和好了。 They’ve made up through their friends’intervention.

他总是在朋友有难时分担其痛苦。 He is always with his friend during trying times.

她生活放荡,让她的朋友们酸心。 Her wild living was a grief to her friends.

我今天进城,只是去看看朋友。 I’m going to town today just to see a friend.

昨晚我做东,招待了几位朋友。 Last night I was the host to a few friends.

她定睛一看,原来真是她的男朋友。 A fixed look assured her that it was her boyfriend.

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