

人气:282 ℃/2024-02-13 19:24:30

triste英[tri:st]美[tri:st]adj.悲哀的,忧郁的,沉闷的;[例句]Aureli-ano Triste was leaving the house with his mother at seven in the evening when a rifle shot came out of the darkness and perforated his forehead.晚上七时,奥雷连诺·特里斯特从白己的母亲家里出来,黑暗中突然一声枪响,子弹打穿了他的脑门。


triste英[tri:st]美[tri:st]adj.悲哀的,忧郁的,沉闷的;[例句]Aureli-ano Triste was leaving the house with his mother at seven in the evening when a rifle shot came out of the darkness and perforated his forehead.晚上七时,奥雷连诺·特里斯特从白己的母亲家里出来,黑暗中突然一声枪响,子弹打穿了他的脑门。

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