

人气:114 ℃/2023-11-07 18:38:03




Episode 5

Sun Xing said he was Gao He

Sun Xing and Wang "talk business" together, but finally failed to talk. Sun Xing drunk ran to the bathroom, talking to himself will be high Hector and the secret of killing people out. It happened that a waiter in the bathroom, Xu Xiaoshan, recorded this scene with his mobile phone. GAO Mingyuan contacted Hu Xiaowei, director of the police station there, and communicated with him in advance. Afterwards, Hu Xiaowei got Xu Xiaoshan's mobile phone, and he deleted the video inside, threatening him with blackmail. Xu Xiaoshan was scared to pee his pants, and Hu Xiaowei understood that he was a scared child.

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