
chn unicom是什么意思

人气:227 ℃/2024-03-05 14:41:22

chn unicom即China unicom中国联通 例句:

1.China telecom and china unicom also operate fixed-line businesses. 中国电信和中国联通还运营固话业务。

2.China unicom is the only chinese carrier offering the iphone. 中国联通是iphone在中国的独家运营商。


chn unicom即China unicom中国联通 例句:

1.China telecom and china unicom also operate fixed-line businesses. 中国电信和中国联通还运营固话业务。

2.China unicom is the only chinese carrier offering the iphone. 中国联通是iphone在中国的独家运营商。

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