
还珠格格 第几集小燕子说出自己不是格格紫薇才是真正的格格

人气:318 ℃/2023-12-22 18:15:23

第一部第22集, 小燕子得知乾隆有意将塞娅许配给永琪之事气愤不已,因而和永琪大吵一架,永琪为求安心,立即决定叁见乾隆,好了解事情的来龙去脉。



The 22nd episode of the first part, the swallow learned that Qianlong intended to promise Saiya to Yongqi angry things, so and Yongqi quarrel, Yongqi for peace of mind, immediately decided to see Qianlong, good to understand the ins and outs of things.

Unexpectedly, I learned that Seya's favorite candidate turned out to be Erkang, and Qianlong has been unable to resist Seya's insistence and promised this marriage.

Yongqi hurried to bring the news to everyone, myrtle almost fainted under a listen, and Erkang also anxious, insisted not to abandon myrtle and marry Saiya, they were at their wits' end and finally decided to reveal the truth. They immediately went to see Qianlong. The swallow was in a hurry and said, "He is not Gige. Lagerstroemia is the real Lagerstroemia.

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