
submit 什么意思

人气:436 ℃/2024-03-09 17:06:12

submit[英][səb'mɪt][美][səbˈmɪt]vi.顺从,服从; 甘受,忍受; vt.使服从,使顺从; 提交,呈送; [法]主张,建议; 第三人称单数:submits过去分词:submitted现在进行时:submitting过去式:submitted例句:

1.Want to submit your application to makeuseof directory? 想把你的申请提交到makeuseof目录么?

2.He suggests having banks simultaneously submit combinations of bids. 他建议让各银行同时递交出价组合。

3.Marx remained among those who would not submit. 马克思依然留在了那些不愿屈服的人们中间。

4.Click below to submit your vote. 点击下面提交您的投票。

5.Entrants have until june to submit their work. 参赛者直到6月都可以提交他们的作品。

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