

人气:278 ℃/2023-07-12 11:03:59

第15集,两人有一场浪漫的烟花吻。 在美丽的烟花下,霍辰东郑重地向周放表白这么多年来的新意,周放大吃一惊,依然以只把霍辰东当哥们为由拒绝了霍辰东,霍辰东问是不是因为周放,周放楞了一下回答是,却并不知道此时宋凛在不远处听到了这一句,他走,上前来,

In Episode 15, they have a romantic fireworks kiss. Under the beautiful fireworks, Huo Chendong solemnly to Zhou Fang Bai so many years of new ideas, Zhou Fang was surprised, still refused Huo Chendong on the grounds of only putting Huo Chendong when his buddies, Huo Chendong asked if it was because of Zhou Fang. Zhou Fang replied blankly, but he didn't know that Song Lin heard this sentence not far away. He walked and came forward. He kissed Zhou Fang directly, and Huo Chendong left in darkness.直直地吻住了周放,霍辰东黯然离去。

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