

人气:203 ℃/2024-07-30 19:21:17

pull 更多是强调“拉”,与push【推】相对应 drag 是“顺着地面拖”或“强行拉拖某物体或某人” He grabbed her and dragged her away. 他抓住她,把她拖走了。

1. 拉,拖,牵,拽;搬走 She pulled his sleeve to get his attention. 她拉他的袖子以引起他的注意。2. 拔;采,摘;揪下;拉开;扯破[(+out/up)] A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes. 一只老虎可以在几分钟内把一只雄鹿撕碎。Why did you pull up these plants? 你为何把这些植物拔起来?

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